We are delighted to partner with private Spanish car rental company RecordGo. We provide baby equipment for RecordGo throughout their networks, including; Palma, Malaga, Alicante, Ibiza, Menorca, Barcelona el Prat, and Madrid.
What does this mean for you?
- It means if you book your car and baby equipment through RecordGo, it is our equipment you get and our team on the ground to help you.
- It means you have a wider choice of car seats than standard car rental companies and additional items such as prams and cots.
- It means you have isofix infant seats.
- It means you have extended rearward facing, isofix seats for children up to 4 years (depending on weight and height).
- It means you have the choice of high back booster seats and not just a booster cushion.
- It means you are guaranteed the correct seat for your child when you arrive.
- It means your equipment is thoroughly sanitised and safety checked between each and every hire.
- It means your seat has not been in an accident.
- It means on your return, you just leave everything in the car!
- It means you have a trained TSE staff member dedicated to assisting you with the equipment, show you how it works, who can help with installation and any queries you have.